This beat. Oh hell yes. Literally every time I hear this song, I eargasm. It's just that good. Allow me to tell you a story. Now one day, I was to an event that had been moved up by two hours so that I would be late for some reason. Normally, I'm a chill driver but on this day, I was speeding quite fast. While I was speeding, a car with two old women in it passed me and then cut me off so close that I had to slam my breaks so they wouldn't collide with me. Then they proceeded to slow down to twenty miles under the speed limit. I assumed that they were just bad drivers, so I just passed them at my own speed. Except then they did it again, which made me assume they were idiots. By the third time they did it, the game was on. They road raged and tried to race me the whole drive. We would hit red lights where they would just sit beside me while both gave me the middle finger. I did not return the favor. (First of all, I was outnumbered by middle fingers.) I simply played this song as loud as possible. It has the kind of bass that can drive people crazy and just kinky enough lyrics for old women to assume that you as a listener, are a filth bag. I'm sorry I used this song as a weapon but it is such a great party song I don't see how it's not played more often. And as for those old women? They ran a red light eventually, but that's not my problem.
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SomeKindaWonderful, visit their website:
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