Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Album of the Week - Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone? - The Unicorns

Album of the Week is Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone? by The Unicorns. This album may be old but i's still good. The Unicorns have a nice sense of humor in their lyrics and song placement especially since their first dong in the album is I Don't Wanna Die and the last one is called Ready to Die. They have a certain way of making their music chill yet also at the same time makes you just want to rock out. I love all the titles of their songs involving ghosts and unicorns and death. It just makes them easier to remember. Of course I suggest for you to listen to I Was Born (A Unicorn) but I also suggest Jellybones and Ready to Die.

To hear more of The Unicorns, visit their Soundcloud:

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